Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sleepy Gypsy

         Henri Rousseau was a symbolist painter and painted Sleeping Gypsy in 1897 through an oil on canvas medium and can be found on the Museum Of Modern Art, New York. It is interesting to me how this picture has its characters looking like dolls and very unreal. Apart from the use of colors, i think this is something that an amateur would draw because of the way the characters are drawn, but I believe it is more about the symbols in this picture and not how it is drawn.

Paris: A Rainy Day

         In the Impressionism era, Gustave Caillebotte painted Paris: A rainy Day in 1877 through an oil on canvas medium, and can be found in the Art institute of Chicago, Chicago. I really just like how this painting seems so real, without a close look, I would have though this was actually a photography . From the definition of the characters, their dressing, the movements and even the wetness of the ground that can be seen to emphasis on the rainy day.

Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe (Luncheon on the grass)

Edouard Manet painted this song through an oil on canvas medium in 1863 and it can be found in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris. The artist based all the characters on real people, but what is interesting and clearly controversial in this picture is how the artist dressed up the male characters very corporately but leaves the women completely naked. I find this a tad bit  disrespectful too.

The Nightmare

              Henry Fuseli painted The Nightmare in 1781 through an oil on canvas and can be found in the Detroit Institute of the Arts, and it was a transition from Neoclassicism to Romanticism which emphasis from reason to feeling. I have heard of sleep paralysis before, and this image just make me thinks of it, the way the demon was sitting on her, and she cant move obviously due to the pressure on her from the demon. She lays lifelessly on the bed, but you could tell that she is still alive. I am, not sure what the purpose of the horse in the picture is for though.

George Washington

      Horatio Greenough through a marble medium in the Neoclassicism era, it is a staute that can be found in Smithsonian American Art Museum, in Washington, D.C. I only just like this because of the way the artist dressed up george Washington, with his physical features showing unlike most art works of him where you would see him all dressed up in the proper American attire. If i saw this art work without seeing the description, i might have linked it to Napoleon and not George Washington.

Hall of Mirrors

         This beautiful art work was done by François De Cuvilliés, and is in the Amalienburg, Nymphenburg Palace park, Munich, Germany, in Rococo Europe. This art era produce elaborate and fancy over the top designs.I like how everything is all over the interior design. It is very rich and glamorous in its designs. I like how everything seems very exquisite.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Self Portrait

This self portrait was done by Judith Leyster by oil on canvas, She is also an artiste of the baroque in northern Europe era. I like the way the artist shows her self doing what she does best, perhaps to give her audience a better idea of who she really is. I also find it interesting that she is dressed rather elaborately just to work on an art work where her clothes would be bound to get smeared or destroyed. However, her clothes depicts that she might belong to a well to do or wealthy family.