Thursday, December 6, 2012

Battista Sforza and Federico da Montefelro

 Piero Della Francesca really got my attention with this painting done on oil and tempera on wood in a modern frame. This belongs in the renaissance times in quattrocento Italy. i was captivated by this, because at first i wondered why the supposed wife was very pale in color with a veil over a face. At first i though it was a marriage ceremony: which would hav explained the veil. Research shows that Battista was actually dead, and this painting was a kind of tribute to her memory done for her by her husband Frederico but of course with the help of Francesca. They are both on different panels i guess to show the distinction between the living and the dead. The artist also only showed on side of their faces as at technique to cover up and injury Frederico has on the bridge of his nose.

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